In the Assembly, Rebecca will always work to ensure balanced budgets, while protecting key state programs and services. She will focus on oversight and audits of state spending to reduce government waste and unnecessary pet projects by Sacramento politicians and special interests. And she will fight to maintain rainy-day funds so our state budget is protected from devastating cuts in times of economic hardship.
Rebecca is not a politician, but a mother and homeowner who understands the tax burden on California families. That is why she will oppose any effort to change the residential protections of Prop. 13 that protect homeowners from property tax increases. Instead, she will fight to ensure corporations are paying their fair share of taxes, closing loopholes that they use to avoid paying their share.
She also understands the pressure that unfunded pensions put on our local and state governments. Rebecca believes we must pay careful attention to the way these pensions are funded and managed so that we ensure fiscal responsibility. In times of economic strength, we must ensure that pensions are actuarially sound and appropriately funded in the long term, so we can live up to the commitments we have made even during economic downturns.